Monday, September 8, 2008

10 Things I Never Thought I'd Say - Part 2

10. Dora will hold binky in your bed until you go night-night.
9. Please come sit with Mommy in the bathroom and practice going pee-pees.
8. (Once in the bathroom) Did you bring a book?
7. What does the car say? (Beep-Beep) What does the horsey say? (Nay Nay) What does Mommy say? (Hot Hot! - apparently I drink a lot of hot beverages!)
6. Lilah, you have already had three apples today. Why don't we have some cookies?
5. You can't fit anymore babies or penguins in your arms. Can Mommy help you?
4. Lilah, did you make a poopie? (Noooooooooo) Are you being truthful? (Noooooooooo)
3. Look! Its your friend Mr. Penguin! Say hi, Lilah! (passing a poster on pay phone)
2. Mommy will only get you a Pinkberry sample if you put your stroller straps back on.
1. Mommy's undies are not a necklace.


TheMediaDude said...

Who could forget "No DaDa, Mimi!!"

TheMediaDude said...

It's time for a new post, my dear.