Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Non-Dramatical Way to Secretly Get Hitched

My husband's job is in Branding (products, not cows) and studying toward his MA in Media, Culture and Communication at NYU. Not surprisingly, we have many conversations about new forms of media (i.e. the internet) and how this new media affects society. On more than one occasion, we've chatted about news/tabloid coverage of noteworthy events (in fact, Andrew is writing a paper on this topic write now).

The network and cable news coverage of 9/11 was revolutionary because the world watched the tragedy and its aftermath unfold on live television. At or about that time, the news banner became a fixture across the bottom on the TV screen on news channels such as CNN, FoxNews and even E!. In the last few years, it's become the norm for households to subscribe to cable TV and receive hundreds upon hundreds of channel options. The prevalence of Tivo (one of my favorite things EVER) and DVR ensure that subscribers will never miss an airing their favorite TV show. If by some unexpected calamity someone does miss an airing, they can run to the internet and (likely) watch that episode on the network's website - for free!

Now, if that wasn't all amazing enough to this child of the '70s/'80s, this next thing has just blown my ran a live feed from outside the building of the alleged wedding of Beyonce and Jay Z. It was FASCINATING! I could care less about these celebrities, but something about live feed on a website drew me in. New media has reached a new pinnacle, and, where do we go from here? Has the fingertip access to breaking stories spoiled us? Are new privacy issues triggered? Has the First Amendment been stretched too far? (Tutoring Students, avert your eyes! The girl who hated Con Law is actually thinking about the potential First Amentment ramifications of live news feeds on websites).

Andrew, you are the family expert on new media. Brian, you are the practicing attorney in the family (although I will practice on of these days - I will not let my "I passed the bar, oh my god i am in labor" moment go to waste - but that is a story for another day). What do you guys think? And, finally, I ask - seriously - your battery died? who packed your camera bag????


Boywonderesq said...

I see you've been working hard at maintaining the blog. Not as easy as it looks, is it!

Boywonderesq said...

I'm going to stop checking in on your blog soon. If this was Captain Goodnight, I'd have the yo-yo out by now.