Monday, March 2, 2009

The Non-Dramatical Way to Give In

Dear Baby Boy,

OK, fine you win. You can stay in there until modern medicine says 'no more'! You have until Friday, so enjoy it while you can.

So, I give up. No more acupuncture. No more homeopathic stuff. No more begging. No more pleading. No more going to bed every night thinking 'please let me wake up in a pool of fluid or in absolutely agonizing pain.'

I will wait until Friday and get induced. I will brave the evil Pitocin for you like I did for your sister. I will risk the epidural and the possibility of a C-Section. I will do this for you because you are obviously your mother's son and want to do things on your own terms and I understand and respect that.

So, live it up in there kid. It's fine.

xoxo Mommy


TheMediaDude said...

Uh oh. When Mommy says "it's fine," it is anything but!!

Mary said...

What about the sex? Have you tried sex? But aside from that, welcome to my world. This is your first hint of how challenging a little boy can be!!

TheMediaDude said...

Yes. We've tried the sex.